Voi incepe aceasta postare la fel cum l-am terminat pe ultimul, deci va voi vorbi despre obiective :
I will start this post like I finished the last, so I will talk about objectives:
Obiective pentru sezonul viitor:
- sa nu fiu dat afara
- sa fac o echipa puternica, formata din jucatori tineri si jucatori cu experienta care va fi aproape invincibila;
- sa promovez;
- echipa sa marcheze cel putin 50 de goluri;
- clubul sa inregistreze profit;
- sa extind sfera jucatorilor pe care ii pot examina.
Next season objectives:
- not get sacked;
- to make a strong team, made up from young players and experienced players, which will be almost invincible;
- to promote;
- the team to score at least 50 goals;
- the club to record profit;
- to extend the scout networking range.
Sunt mandru de rezultatele echipei mele din amicale, am marcat de doua ori mai multe goluri decat am primit, noile mele achizitii s-au adaptat repede la formatia de joc, am jucat foarte bine in compania unor echipe mai mari decat Hammarby si am inregistrat un singur esec de care nu sunt deloc suparat, pentru ca era primul amical, care nu conta, voiam sa-mi vad jucatorii noi adusi la treaba.
I am proud of the team friendlies results, we scored double than we received, my new transfers adapted quickly to the formation, we played well in the company of larger teams than Hammarby and we registered one single lose that I am not upset at all, because it was the first friendly, which did not count, I wanted to see my new players doing their job.
- Am adus un portar care sa poata evolua atunci cand Hopf este indisponibil, Catalin Straton un jucator care a evoluat si la echipa mea favorita, Rapid Bucuresti, este o solutie foarte buna, deorece este cumparat ca si o solutie de rezerva.
I brought a goalkeeper who will can play when Hopf is unavailable, Catalin Straton is a player who played at my favourite team, Rapid Bucuresto, he is a very good solution, because I bought him as a backup.
- I-am adus la echipa pe cei doi fundasi centrali (Diego Petri si Christophe Lowinski) pe care vi i-am recomandat in una din postarile anterioare, deoarece aveam nevoie de mai multi jucatori pe acel post.
I brought to the team the two central defenders (Diego Petri si Christophe Lowinski) that I recommended you in one of my previous post, because I needed more players in that position.
- Daca sezonul trecut cel mai bun jucator pe postul de fundas stanga era Erik Figueroa, acum printr-un transfer care era deja facut inainte sa vin la Hammarby, Viktor Agardius i-a luat locul celuilalt suedez mentionat inainte.
If in the last season the best player on left defender position was Erik Figueroa, now with a transfer which was already done before I came at Hammarby, Viktor Agardius took the place of the other swedish mentioned before.
- Pe postul de fundas dreapta, l-am adus pe Ionut Voicu, pe care de asemenea l-am recomandat intr-un una din postarile anterioare. Este cel mai scump transfer si sunt mandru ca am reusit sa-l aduc la club.
On the right defender position, I brought Ionut Voicu, that I also recommended you in one of my previous post. He is the most expensive transfer and I am proud that I managed to bring him to the team.
- Essame este cel mai bun transfer pe care l-am facut in opinia scouterilor, eu cred ca este al doilea cel mai bun transfer si abia astept sa il vad cum se descurca in teren.
Essame is the transfer that I made in scouts opinion, I believe he is the second best transfer and I can’t wait to see him doing his job on the pitch.
- Inca un transfer important este Daniel Oprita, un jucator experimentat, pe care l-am adus sa ma ajute sa castig promovarea in acest sezon.
Another important transfer is Daniel Oprita, a experienced player, who was bought to help me to win the promotion that season.
- Cel mai bun transfer pe care l-am facut este Tuco, un jucator din Camerun de 25 de ani care a marcat de 7 ori in 6 aparitii, sper sa continue asa si in meciurile oficiale, sunt increzator ca va iesi golgheter sezonul asta.
The best tranfer that I have done is Tuco, a 25-years old cameroonian who scored 7 goals in 6 matches, I hope to continue with performances like that in official matches, I am confident that he will win the top scorer award this season.
Celelalte transferuri :
Other transfers :
All transfers :
Am ales ca asteptarile minime dupa care sa fiu judecat sa fie castigare promovarii.
I choosed that the minimun expectations by which I will be judged is that the team to win promotion.
Sunt fericit ca intalnirea cu echipa inainte de inceperea sezonului a decurs bine.
I am happy that the pre-season team-meeting went well.
Am ales ca bonusurile pentru performantele din competitii sa fie normale, nu vreau sa afectez situatia financiara a clubului.
I choosed that the bonuses for the performances in competitions to be normal, I don’t want to affect the financial situation of the club.
Alaturi de Mjallby am fost alesi favoritii la castigare promovarii.
Along with Mjallby we have been chosen favorites to win promotion.
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