luni, 20 ianuarie 2014

Analiza lotului lui Hammarby IF/ Review Hammarby IF squad

Povestea cu Hammarby a inceput deja si sunt mandru sa va reprezint analiza lotului chiar acum. 

The Hammarby story has already been started and I am proud to represent my club review right now.


Hammarby are 2 portari suedezi mai mult sau mai putin buni, este un post care nu ma multumeste si cred ca din iarna voi mai aduce inca un portar. Johannes Hopf este unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori al clubului fiind aici din 2009. Cu siguranta, va alcatui primul 11. A doua varianta pentru postul de portar este Kevin Angleborn, un jucator tanar, fara experienta. Daca Hopf nu se va accidenta sau nu va fi eliminat, Angleborn nu cred ca va juca

Hammarby have 2 swedish goalkeepers more or less decent, it is a postion which makes me dissatisfied and I think that from winter I will bring to club another one keeper. Johannes Hopf is one of the most important players of the club being here since 2009. Surely, he will be in the first eleven. The second version for the keeper position is Kevin Angleborn, a young player, without experience, he's only 19. If Hopf will not be injured or suspende, a selection for Angleborn in the first team eleven seems unlikely.

Voi incepe cu flancurile. Pozitia de fundas dreapta cu siguranta va fi ocupata de Michael Timisela, el este cel mai bun jucator pe acea parte a terenului. La fel ca in partea dreapta, in partea stanga exista un singur jucator cu adevarat bun, Erik Figueroa. 

I will start with the flanks. On the right defender position surely Michael Timisela will be picked, he is the best player on that side of field. Like in the right sight, in the left side exist one really good defender, Erik Figueroa. 

Acum fundasii centrali. Sa-i vedem pe cei mai buni. Primul care mi-a sarit in ochi este Daniel Theorin. Oricum, celalalt fundas central suedez arata aproape la fel de bine, numele lui este Max von Schlebrügge si este fostul jucator al lui Anderlecht.
. Nu am alti candidati la acest post, restul jucatorilor care pot fi folositi aici nu sunt la fel de buni ca cei doi pe care i-am prezentat.

Now central defenders. Let's see the best ones. First one who strikes my eyes is Daniel Theorin. However, the other swedish central defender looks almost as good, his name is Max von Schlebrügge and he is ex-Anderlecht player. I do not have other candidates to this position, the rest of the players that I could play in this position are not as good as like this two that i presented.

Cel mai bun mijlocas defensiv este Nikolas Ledgerwood, jucator canadian, ex-1860 Munchen. Varianta de rezerva acolo este Baggio Husidic, jucator care a evoluat in MLS inainte sa ajunga la Hammarby.
Cel mai bun candidat si aproape singurul pentru postul de mijlocas central este Nahir Besara.

Kennedy, jucatorul de 32 de ani poate fi o solutie pentru posturile de mijlocas(ofensiv) stanga, mijlocas(ofensiv) central, mijlocas(ofensiv) dreapta. Este un jucator foarte versatil si unul dintre cei mai importanti ai clubului. 
In momentul de fata, cea mai buna solutie pentru postul de mijlocas ofensiv stanga este Christophe Lallet, fostul jucator al celor de la Saint-Etienne.
Un alt jucator foarte versatil este Christoffer Carlsson, poate juca pe posturile de mijlocas(ofensiv) stanga, mijlocas(ofensiv/defensive) central, mijlocas(ofensiv) dreapta, chiar si atacant central. 

The best DM is Nikolas Ledgerwood, canadian ex-1860 Munchen player. The backup there is Baggio Husidic, player who played in MLS before his arrival to Hammarby.
The best candidate and almost the only one for the MC position is Nahir Besara.
Kennedy, 32-years old player cand be a solutin for (A)MR,(A)MC,A(ML) postions. He is a very versatile player and one of the most important players of the club. 

Now, the best solutin for AML is Christophe Lallet, former Saint-Etienne player. 
An other very versatile player is Christoffer Carlsson, he can play on (A)MR,(A)MC,A(ML) positions, even striker.


Hammarby are 3 atacanti cu calitati relativ egale, iar cel mai probabil voi folosi un sistem de rotatie intre Mattias Adelstam si Billy Schuler care par mai slabi decat experimentatul Erik Sundin. 

Hammarby have 3 attackers with relative equal qualities and the most probably I will use Mattias Adelstam and Billy Schuler in a rotation system who seems to be weaker that experienced Erik Sundin. 

Comparatie cu alte echipe din campionat/Comparision with other league squads

Hammarby sta cel mai bine la capitolele :
Munca in echipa, primul loc :).

Pase, locul 3.
Decizii, locul 4.
Rata de munca, locul 4.

Hammarby sta cel mai rau la capitolele: 

Conducere, locul 15.
Forta, locul 14. 

Agresivitate, locul 14. 

Hammarby has the best average ratings in: 

Teamwork, 1st :).
Passing, 3rd. 
Decisions, 4th.
Workrate, 4th. 

Hammarby has the weakest attributes in fact :

Leadership, 15th.
Strength, 14th. 
Aggresion, 14th.


Inca nu sunt foarte hotarat daca o sa fac vreun transfer pana in iarna, dar cu siguranta daca vor aparea transferuri, voi semna doar cu jucatori liberi de contract.

I am not too decided yet if I will make any transfer until the winter, but surely if will apear transfers, i will sign only with free agent players.

Acum sa ne uitam la salariile jucatorilor:
Now let's take a look at the players wages:

 Stadionul si facilitatile/Stadium and facilites

Personal cred ca stadionul si facilitatile pentru o echipa de liga a doua sunt destul de bune, singurul lucru rau sunt facilitatile pentru tineret. 

Personally, I believe that the stadion and the facilities for a second league team are good enough, the only bad thing is the youth facilites.


Sunt sigur ca voi promova sezonul asta. Vreau sa-mi indeplinesc obiectivele pe care le-am pomenit in primele posturi.

I am sure that I will achieve promotion this season. I want to meet the objectives that I mentioned about in my first posts.

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