1. Rezultatele/The
Nu sunt
rezultatele la care ma asteptam, dar sunt multumit ca am reusit sa avansez in
There are not the results that I expected, but I am
content because I managed to move up in the league table.
2. Transferuri/
Nu sunt transferuri noi.
There are not new transfers.
Din pacate clubul a inregistrat o pierdere de 155.403
Unfortunately, the club recorded a loss of €155.403.
4. Schimbarea tacticilor/Tactical
Dupa meciul cu Brage am schimbat formatia, pentru ca echipa
nu dadea randamentul pe care mi-l doream.
After Brage match I changed formation, because the team didn’t
have the rating that I wanted.
5. Alte informatii folositoare/Any other useful information
Nu am castigat
premiul de antrenorul lunii.
I did not won the Head coach of the month award.
Hammarby IF a avut doi jucatori selectati in primul 11 al
lunii din Suedia.
Hammarby IF had two players selected in the first 11 of the
month in Sweden Superettan.
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