Asa cum am promis, va voi face o lista cu cate un jucator pentru
fiecare post. Fiecare dintre ei sunt buni si foarte buni pentru echipe mici .
Desigur ca lista e alcatuita din jucatorii care-mi plac foarte mult si poate
sunt putin subiectiv, dar va asigur ca puteti promova cu acesti jucatori sau
puteti scapa de la retrogradare in prima liga.
As I promised, I will make a list with a player for each position. Each of them are good and very good for small teams. Of course that the list is based on the players that I like very much and maybe I am a little subiective, but I assure that you can promote with that players or you can avoid relagation in a first league.
Sa incepem ! / Let'' s start !
Portar/Goalkeeper: Maxim
Poate fi adus ca varianta de rezerva, iar cu timpul se poate
transforma intr-un membru valoros al echipei.
He can be brought as a backup and after a while he can transform
in a valuable member of the team.
left: Nicolae Vasile
Un jucator bun care poate sa joace deja la echipe de top, iar
pentru echipele mici s-ar potrivi perfect. Partea cea mai buna este ca poate fi
cumparat ieftin.
A good player who can already play at top teams and for small
teams he would fit perfectly. The best part is that he can be bought
Fundasi centrali/Central Defenders: Christophe Lowinski
Diego Petri
Fundasii mei centrali preferati si unii dintre putini care au dat
randament la o echipa mica intr-o liga a doua: Christophe Lowinski(se poate impune usor in
prima echipa) si
Diego Petri(un
brazilian de 22 de ani care de asemenea isi poate gasi usor un loc in primul 11).
My favourite central defenders and some of the few who gave
rating at a small team froam a second league: Christophe Lowinski(he can impose very easy
in the first eleven) and
Diego Petri( a
22 years old brazilian which also can find easy a place in the first eleven).
Fundas dreapta/Defender right: Ionut
Urmatorul jucator este unul dintre membrii de baza ai clubului,
iar pentru o echipa mica ar fi un transfer de calitate. Un jucator care poate
aduce un plus pe faza ofensiva si poate fi foarte puternic pe faza defensiva.
As you cand see the majority of the players that I propose come
from my favourite team, Rapid Bucharest, this why I said there is a risk
to be subiective.
The next player is one of the core members of the club and for a small team he would be a quality signing. A player who can bring a plus on the offensive phase and he can be very strong on the defensive phase.
The next player is one of the core members of the club and for a small team he would be a quality signing. A player who can bring a plus on the offensive phase and he can be very strong on the defensive phase.
Mijlocas (ofensiv) dreapta/(Attacking) midfielder right: Yannick
In continuare: unul dintre jucatorii care acum cativa anii
era vazut ca o mare speranta si care cu timpul nu s-a ridicat asteptarilor.
Poate inscrie foarte multe goluri daca este jucat ca mijlocas ofensiv.
Forwards: one of the players who some years ago was seen like a
wonderkid and as time went on he can’t perform up to expectations. He can score
many goals if he is played on AMR position.
Mijlocas (ofensiv) stanga/Attacking
midfielder left: Johan Branger
Unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori din aceasta lista. Este genial, este cel mai bun transfer al meu pentru echipe de liga a doua. Daca o sa semneze cu voi o sa va convingeti singuri de asta.
Unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori din aceasta lista. Este genial, este cel mai bun transfer al meu pentru echipe de liga a doua. Daca o sa semneze cu voi o sa va convingeti singuri de asta.
One of the best player from that list. He is a genius, my best
transfer for second league teams. If he will sign for you, you will see that.
Mijlocas central/Central
midfielder: Alexandru Ionita.
Inca un jucator de la Rapid, poate fi vazut ca o afacere, costa
doar 54.000 de euro, iar cu timpul poate vi vandut cu cel putin 1.000.000 de
euro. De asemenea, este si un foarte bun coordonator.
Another player from Rapid, he can be seen as a piece of
business, he is only €54K and
as time went on, he can be sold with at least 1 miilion €. Also he is a good
Atacant/Striker: Miroslav
M-a ajutat foarte mult sa promovez cu foarte multe echipe, inscrie
enorm de mult, un atacant nascut pentru a ridica echipele mici.
He helped me a lot to promote with many teams, he scores
enormously, a striker born for rising small teams.
Sunt sigur ca va vor ajuta acesti jucatori sa
obtineti promovarea sau sa evitati retrogradarea din prima liga.
I am sure that players will help you to obtain promotion or to
avoid relagation from the first league.
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