Am sa incep cu cariera si treptat o sa va
arat unii din cei mai buni jucatori pe care ii consider eu, cele mai bune
tactici, cele mai bune strigate de pe margine, etc.
Sorry for my bad english
I will
start with the career, and step by step I'll show you ones of the the best
players that I consider, the best tactics, the best sideline instructions, etc.
Obiectivele mele pentru cariera/My career objectives: - sa fiu angajat/get hired
-sa nu fiu demis dupa angajare/not
get sacked
-sa cumpar cativa jucatori tineri talentati/sign
some youth talented players
-sa domin tara unde ma voi angaja/to
dominate the country where I'll be offered a job
-sa castig Uefa Champions League/win
Uefa Champions League
-sa castig Campionatul Mondial al Cluburilor/win
World Club Cup
-sa transform clubul in cel mai bogat club din lume/joc/to
transform the club in the richest clubs from the world/game
Mi-am selectat ligile in felul acesta/I selected the leagues like this :
Am decis sa
incep cariera liber de contract asa cum am spus-o si la inceput./I
decided to start my career unemployed, like I said on my first post.
disponibile in momentul in care am inceput jocul/Available
jobs when I start the game:
In prima zi, mi s-a oferit un interviu la
Sportul Studentesc Bucuresti(Romania/Liga II-Seria I)/In my
first day, i was offered a job interview at Sportul Studentesc Bucharest (Romania/Liga
II-Seria I).
Din pacate, dupa o saptamana am fost
informat ca nu am primit postul din partea lui Vasile Siman/Unfotunately after a week
I was informed that my job interview offerred by Vasile Siman was unsuccesful.In urmatorul post despre cariera o sa va arat urmatoarele interviuri si daca am fost angajat./In the next post about the career I will show you the interviews that will come and if i was hired.
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