vineri, 24 ianuarie 2014

Hammarby IF: Rezumatul lunii Octombrie/Octomber summary

1.  Rezultatele/The results

Sunt suparat pentru ca rezultatul meciului cu Jönköpings Södra IF este nedrept, meritam sa castigam si astfel nu am mai fi jucat play-off-ul de ramanere in Superettan. Pe de alta parte sunt multumit pentru ca am reusit 4 victorii din 5 meciuri, e o performanta buna si am indeplinit cerintele conducerii: salvarea de la retrogradare. De asemenea, atunci cand am preluat echipa, golaverajul era de -6, acum este pozitiv, +3.

I am sad because the result of the Jönköpings Södra IF match is unfair, we deserved to win and so we would not have to play the play-off for staying in Superettan. On the other hand, I am content because we managed 4 wins from 5 matches, it is a good performance and I accomplished the board expections: avoid the relegation . Also, when I took the team, the goal difference was -6, now it is positive, +3.

 2. Transferuri/ Transfers

 Chiar daca il consideram pe Theorin un jucator de baza, forma slaba pe care a aratat-o si pentru ca Al-Sadd a fost de accord sa-mi ofere cu 10.000€ mai mult decat valora jucatorul, am decis sa-l vand.

Despite the fact I was considering Theorin a key player, his poor form and because Al-Sadd accepted to offer me with €10K more than his value, I decided to sell him.

   3. Situatia financiara/Financial situation

Sunt mandru sa va anunt ca clubul a inregistrat profit luna aceasta. Un lucru foarte important pentru sezonul viitor.

I am proud to announce you that the club recorded profit this month. A very important thing for the next season.

4.  Schimbarea tacticilor/Tactical changes

Folosesc aceeasi formatie, nu s-a schimbat nimic. Consider ca este o tactica buna si o voi pastra, cel putin in prima luna din sezonul viitor, pentru ca sunt sigur ca echipa este pe drumul cel bun.

I am using the same formation, there is no change. I consider that is a good tactic and I will keep it, at least in the first month of the next season, because I am sure that the team is on track.

 5.  Alte informatii folositoare/Any other useful information

Nu am castigat premiul de antrenorul lunii.

I did not won the Head coach of the month award.

Hammarby IF a avut doi jucatori selectati in primul 11 al lunii din Suedia.

Hammarby IF had two players selected in the first 11 of the month in Sweden Superettan.

Sunt fericit pentru ca jucatorii au inteles ca trebuie sa promovam sezonul viitor si intalnirea de sfarsit de sezon a fost un real success.

I am happy because the players understand that we have to promote in the next season and the end of season team meeting was a real success.

Sunt multumit pentru ca in urma transferurilor, clubul a reusit sa inregistreze profit.
I am happy because after the transfers, the club managed to record profit.  


Obiective pentru sezonul viitor:
-       sa nu fiu dat afara
-       sa fac o echipa puternica, formata din jucatori tineri si jucatori cu experienta care va fi aproape invincibila;
-       sa promovez;
-       echipa sa marcheze cel putin 50 de goluri;
-       clubul sa inregistreze profit;
-       sa extind sfera jucatorilor pe care ii pot examina.

Next season objectives:
-       not get sacked;
-       to make a strong team, made up from young players and experienced players, which will be almost invincible;
-       to promote;
-       the team to score at least 50 goals;
-       the club to record profit;
-       to extend the scout networking range.

Hammarby IF: Rezumatul lunii Septembrie/ September summary

1.  Rezultatele/The results
Nu sunt rezultatele la care ma asteptam, dar sunt multumit ca am reusit sa avansez in clasament. 

There are not the results that I expected, but I am content because I managed to move up in the league table.
 2. Transferuri/ Transfers
Nu sunt transferuri noi.
There are not new transfers. 

   3. Situatia financiara/Financial situation

Din pacate clubul a inregistrat o pierdere de 155.403 .
Unfortunately, the club recorded a loss of 155.403.

                                  4.  Schimbarea tacticilor/Tactical changes

Dupa meciul cu Brage am schimbat formatia, pentru ca echipa nu dadea randamentul pe care mi-l doream. 

After Brage match I changed formation, because the team didn’t have the rating that I wanted.

                                   5.  Alte informatii folositoare/Any other useful information
Nu am castigat premiul de antrenorul lunii.

I did not won the Head coach of the month award.

Hammarby IF a avut doi jucatori selectati in primul 11 al lunii din Suedia.

Hammarby IF had two players selected in the first 11 of the month in Sweden Superettan.

joi, 23 ianuarie 2014

Hammarby IF: Rezumatul lunii August/ August summary

In general, raporturile pe care le voi face pentru fiecare luna vor cuprinde :
  1. Rezultatele;
  2. Transferuri (daca exista);
  3. Situatia financiara;
  4.  Schimbarea tacticilor;
  5.  Alte informatii folositoare.

 Generally, the monthly reviews that I will do will include:
  1. The results;
  2. Transfers (if exists);
  3. Financial situation;
  4. Tactical changes
  5. Any other useful information.
                             1.  Rezultatele/The results

Sunt fericit ca am reusit sa debutez cu o victorie in deplasare. Este un inceput bun si sunt foarte multumit de primul meu rezultat si de reactia echipei ‘vis-à-vis’ de prepararea meciului.

I am happy that I managed to debut with a away win. It is a good start and I am content for my first result and for the team reaction to match preparation.

Din pacate, celalalt rezultat nu a fost asa de bun. Am primit gol in minutul 90+2 si meciul s-a terminat egal.

Unfortunately, the other result it was not that good. I conceded a goal in 90+2’ and the match ended as a draw.

                2. Transferuri/Transfers

Pentru primul transfer si singurul din aceasta perioada a trebuit sa-mi ajustez bugetele si sa inchei contractul unuia dintre jucatori.

For the first transfer and the only one of that period I had to adjust my budgets and to release on a free one player.

In ultima zi de transferari l-am vandut pe Christophe Lallet, pentru ca am semnat cu un alt jucator pe postul sau.

In the last day of which allows transfers, I sold Christophe Lallet, because I signed with another player on his position.

     3.Situatia financiara/Financial situation

Clubul a reusit sa obtina profit luna aceasta, finantele arata promitator.

The club managed to obtain profit this month, the finances looks promising. 

4. Schimbarea tacticilor/Tactical changes

Am folosit aceeasi formative in ambele meciuri si a fost destul de buna, in opinia mea. O sa fac o postare noua despre ea.

I used the same formation in the both matches and it was good enough, in my opinion. I will make a new post about it. 

5. Alte informatii folositoare/Any other useful information

Nu am castigat premiul de antrenorul lunii.

I did not won the Head coach of the month award.
 Hammarby IF a avut doi jucatori selectati in primul 11 al lunii din Suedia.

Hammarby IF had two players selected in the first 11 of the month in Sweden Superettan.

Jucatori buni pentru echipe mici/ Good players for small teams

Asa cum am promis, va voi face o lista cu cate un jucator pentru fiecare post. Fiecare dintre ei sunt buni si foarte buni pentru echipe mici . Desigur ca lista e alcatuita din jucatorii care-mi plac foarte mult si poate sunt putin subiectiv, dar va asigur ca puteti promova cu acesti jucatori sau puteti scapa de la retrogradare in prima liga. 

As I promised, I will make a list with a player for each position. Each of them are good and very good for small teams. Of course that the list is based on the players that I like very much and maybe I am a little subiective, but I assure that you can promote with that players or you can avoid relagation in a first league.

Sa incepem ! / Let'' s start ! 

Portar/Goalkeeper:  Maxim Vysotskiy
Poate fi adus ca varianta de rezerva, iar cu timpul se poate transforma intr-un membru valoros al echipei.

He can be brought as a backup and after a while he can transform in a valuable member of the team.

 Fundas stanga/Defender leftNicolae Vasile
Un jucator bun care poate sa joace deja la echipe de top, iar pentru echipele mici s-ar potrivi perfect. Partea cea mai buna este ca poate fi cumparat ieftin.  

A good player who can already play at top teams and for small teams he would fit perfectly. The best part is that he can be bought cheap. 

Fundasi centrali/Central DefendersChristophe Lowinski  
                                                                            Diego Petri
 Fundasii mei centrali preferati si unii dintre putini care au dat randament la o echipa mica intr-o liga a doua: Christophe Lowinski(se poate impune usor in prima echipa) si Diego Petri(un brazilian de 22 de ani care de asemenea isi poate gasi usor un loc in primul 11). 

My favourite central defenders and some of the few who gave rating at a small team froam a second league: Christophe Lowinski(he can impose very easy in the first eleven) and Diego Petri( a 22 years old brazilian which also can find easy a place in the first eleven)

Fundas dreapta/Defender rightIonut Voicu
Urmatorul jucator este unul dintre membrii de baza ai clubului, iar pentru o echipa mica ar fi un transfer de calitate. Un jucator care poate aduce un plus pe faza ofensiva si poate fi foarte puternic pe faza defensiva.

As you cand see the majority of the players that I propose come from my favourite team, Rapid Bucharest,  this why I said there is a risk to be subiective.
The next player is one of the core members of the club and for a small team he would be a quality signing. A player who can bring a plus on the offensive phase and he can be very strong on the defensive phase. 

Mijlocas (ofensiv) dreapta/(Attacking) midfielder right: Yannick Djalo
In continuare: unul  dintre jucatorii care acum cativa anii era vazut ca o mare speranta si care cu timpul nu s-a ridicat asteptarilor. Poate inscrie foarte multe goluri daca este jucat ca mijlocas ofensiv.

Forwards: one of the players who some years ago was seen like a wonderkid and as time went on he can’t perform up to expectations. He can score many goals if he is played on AMR position.

Mijlocas (ofensiv) stanga/Attacking midfielder left: Johan Branger 
Unul dintre cei mai buni jucatori din aceasta lista. Este genial, este cel mai bun transfer al meu pentru echipe de liga a doua. Daca o sa semneze cu voi o sa va convingeti singuri de asta.

One of the best player from that list. He is a genius, my best transfer for second league teams. If he will sign for you, you will see that.

Mijlocas central/Central midfielder:  Alexandru Ionita.
Inca un jucator de la Rapid, poate fi vazut ca o afacere, costa doar 54.000 de euro, iar cu timpul poate vi vandut cu cel putin 1.000.000 de euro. De asemenea, este si un foarte bun coordonator.

Another player from Rapid, he can be seen as a piece of business, he is only 54K and as time went on, he can be sold with at least 1 miilion . Also he is a good playmaker.
Atacant/StrikerMiroslav Slepicka
M-a ajutat foarte mult sa promovez cu foarte multe echipe, inscrie enorm de mult, un atacant nascut pentru a ridica echipele mici.

He helped me a lot to promote with many teams, he scores enormously, a striker born for rising small teams.


Sunt sigur ca va vor ajuta acesti jucatori sa obtineti promovarea sau sa evitati retrogradarea din prima liga. 

I am sure that players will help you to obtain promotion or to avoid relagation from the first league.

luni, 20 ianuarie 2014

Analiza lotului lui Hammarby IF/ Review Hammarby IF squad

Povestea cu Hammarby a inceput deja si sunt mandru sa va reprezint analiza lotului chiar acum. 

The Hammarby story has already been started and I am proud to represent my club review right now.


Hammarby are 2 portari suedezi mai mult sau mai putin buni, este un post care nu ma multumeste si cred ca din iarna voi mai aduce inca un portar. Johannes Hopf este unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori al clubului fiind aici din 2009. Cu siguranta, va alcatui primul 11. A doua varianta pentru postul de portar este Kevin Angleborn, un jucator tanar, fara experienta. Daca Hopf nu se va accidenta sau nu va fi eliminat, Angleborn nu cred ca va juca

Hammarby have 2 swedish goalkeepers more or less decent, it is a postion which makes me dissatisfied and I think that from winter I will bring to club another one keeper. Johannes Hopf is one of the most important players of the club being here since 2009. Surely, he will be in the first eleven. The second version for the keeper position is Kevin Angleborn, a young player, without experience, he's only 19. If Hopf will not be injured or suspende, a selection for Angleborn in the first team eleven seems unlikely.

Voi incepe cu flancurile. Pozitia de fundas dreapta cu siguranta va fi ocupata de Michael Timisela, el este cel mai bun jucator pe acea parte a terenului. La fel ca in partea dreapta, in partea stanga exista un singur jucator cu adevarat bun, Erik Figueroa. 

I will start with the flanks. On the right defender position surely Michael Timisela will be picked, he is the best player on that side of field. Like in the right sight, in the left side exist one really good defender, Erik Figueroa. 

Acum fundasii centrali. Sa-i vedem pe cei mai buni. Primul care mi-a sarit in ochi este Daniel Theorin. Oricum, celalalt fundas central suedez arata aproape la fel de bine, numele lui este Max von Schlebrügge si este fostul jucator al lui Anderlecht.
. Nu am alti candidati la acest post, restul jucatorilor care pot fi folositi aici nu sunt la fel de buni ca cei doi pe care i-am prezentat.

Now central defenders. Let's see the best ones. First one who strikes my eyes is Daniel Theorin. However, the other swedish central defender looks almost as good, his name is Max von Schlebrügge and he is ex-Anderlecht player. I do not have other candidates to this position, the rest of the players that I could play in this position are not as good as like this two that i presented.

Cel mai bun mijlocas defensiv este Nikolas Ledgerwood, jucator canadian, ex-1860 Munchen. Varianta de rezerva acolo este Baggio Husidic, jucator care a evoluat in MLS inainte sa ajunga la Hammarby.
Cel mai bun candidat si aproape singurul pentru postul de mijlocas central este Nahir Besara.

Kennedy, jucatorul de 32 de ani poate fi o solutie pentru posturile de mijlocas(ofensiv) stanga, mijlocas(ofensiv) central, mijlocas(ofensiv) dreapta. Este un jucator foarte versatil si unul dintre cei mai importanti ai clubului. 
In momentul de fata, cea mai buna solutie pentru postul de mijlocas ofensiv stanga este Christophe Lallet, fostul jucator al celor de la Saint-Etienne.
Un alt jucator foarte versatil este Christoffer Carlsson, poate juca pe posturile de mijlocas(ofensiv) stanga, mijlocas(ofensiv/defensive) central, mijlocas(ofensiv) dreapta, chiar si atacant central. 

The best DM is Nikolas Ledgerwood, canadian ex-1860 Munchen player. The backup there is Baggio Husidic, player who played in MLS before his arrival to Hammarby.
The best candidate and almost the only one for the MC position is Nahir Besara.
Kennedy, 32-years old player cand be a solutin for (A)MR,(A)MC,A(ML) postions. He is a very versatile player and one of the most important players of the club. 

Now, the best solutin for AML is Christophe Lallet, former Saint-Etienne player. 
An other very versatile player is Christoffer Carlsson, he can play on (A)MR,(A)MC,A(ML) positions, even striker.


Hammarby are 3 atacanti cu calitati relativ egale, iar cel mai probabil voi folosi un sistem de rotatie intre Mattias Adelstam si Billy Schuler care par mai slabi decat experimentatul Erik Sundin. 

Hammarby have 3 attackers with relative equal qualities and the most probably I will use Mattias Adelstam and Billy Schuler in a rotation system who seems to be weaker that experienced Erik Sundin. 

Comparatie cu alte echipe din campionat/Comparision with other league squads

Hammarby sta cel mai bine la capitolele :
Munca in echipa, primul loc :).

Pase, locul 3.
Decizii, locul 4.
Rata de munca, locul 4.

Hammarby sta cel mai rau la capitolele: 

Conducere, locul 15.
Forta, locul 14. 

Agresivitate, locul 14. 

Hammarby has the best average ratings in: 

Teamwork, 1st :).
Passing, 3rd. 
Decisions, 4th.
Workrate, 4th. 

Hammarby has the weakest attributes in fact :

Leadership, 15th.
Strength, 14th. 
Aggresion, 14th.


Inca nu sunt foarte hotarat daca o sa fac vreun transfer pana in iarna, dar cu siguranta daca vor aparea transferuri, voi semna doar cu jucatori liberi de contract.

I am not too decided yet if I will make any transfer until the winter, but surely if will apear transfers, i will sign only with free agent players.

Acum sa ne uitam la salariile jucatorilor:
Now let's take a look at the players wages:

 Stadionul si facilitatile/Stadium and facilites

Personal cred ca stadionul si facilitatile pentru o echipa de liga a doua sunt destul de bune, singurul lucru rau sunt facilitatile pentru tineret. 

Personally, I believe that the stadion and the facilities for a second league team are good enough, the only bad thing is the youth facilites.


Sunt sigur ca voi promova sezonul asta. Vreau sa-mi indeplinesc obiectivele pe care le-am pomenit in primele posturi.

I am sure that I will achieve promotion this season. I want to meet the objectives that I mentioned about in my first posts.