joi, 23 ianuarie 2014

Hammarby IF: Rezumatul lunii August/ August summary

In general, raporturile pe care le voi face pentru fiecare luna vor cuprinde :
  1. Rezultatele;
  2. Transferuri (daca exista);
  3. Situatia financiara;
  4.  Schimbarea tacticilor;
  5.  Alte informatii folositoare.

 Generally, the monthly reviews that I will do will include:
  1. The results;
  2. Transfers (if exists);
  3. Financial situation;
  4. Tactical changes
  5. Any other useful information.
                             1.  Rezultatele/The results

Sunt fericit ca am reusit sa debutez cu o victorie in deplasare. Este un inceput bun si sunt foarte multumit de primul meu rezultat si de reactia echipei ‘vis-à-vis’ de prepararea meciului.

I am happy that I managed to debut with a away win. It is a good start and I am content for my first result and for the team reaction to match preparation.

Din pacate, celalalt rezultat nu a fost asa de bun. Am primit gol in minutul 90+2 si meciul s-a terminat egal.

Unfortunately, the other result it was not that good. I conceded a goal in 90+2’ and the match ended as a draw.

                2. Transferuri/Transfers

Pentru primul transfer si singurul din aceasta perioada a trebuit sa-mi ajustez bugetele si sa inchei contractul unuia dintre jucatori.

For the first transfer and the only one of that period I had to adjust my budgets and to release on a free one player.

In ultima zi de transferari l-am vandut pe Christophe Lallet, pentru ca am semnat cu un alt jucator pe postul sau.

In the last day of which allows transfers, I sold Christophe Lallet, because I signed with another player on his position.

     3.Situatia financiara/Financial situation

Clubul a reusit sa obtina profit luna aceasta, finantele arata promitator.

The club managed to obtain profit this month, the finances looks promising. 

4. Schimbarea tacticilor/Tactical changes

Am folosit aceeasi formative in ambele meciuri si a fost destul de buna, in opinia mea. O sa fac o postare noua despre ea.

I used the same formation in the both matches and it was good enough, in my opinion. I will make a new post about it. 

5. Alte informatii folositoare/Any other useful information

Nu am castigat premiul de antrenorul lunii.

I did not won the Head coach of the month award.
 Hammarby IF a avut doi jucatori selectati in primul 11 al lunii din Suedia.

Hammarby IF had two players selected in the first 11 of the month in Sweden Superettan.

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